Monday, May 23, 2016

The Horror

I’ve been pondering these transgender issues of late and have posted before about the importance of our (human’s) psychology (beliefs, mental states) when it comes to things that some consider purely biological phenomena and referenced Louis CK’s bit about americans “feeling hungry” as hunger is a real thing and starvation is a real thing to draw this point out.
So: we are psychological beings
So: our gender identity is not free from this psychology, nor is our sexual identity.
Why? We are psychological beings, through and through. One can’t have a triangle without 3 sides and you can’t have a human without psychology.
Now I also referenced Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature and his claims that violence has reduced and his beliefs as to why this is the case.
One of the strongest, most striking points throughout Angels is what we, humans, used to do. It isn’t pretty. We used to be unbelievably, hard-to-fathom violent. Consider that we used to torture animals, sometimes cats FOR ENTERTAINMENT! Not only was the torture not frowned upon, it was cause for laughs.
Why has this changed? Why has our moral circle expanded beyond immediate kin to now include cats and dogs for example? Here in the U.S. it is illegal for you to abuse or torture an animal. Check out Pinker’s Angels for his opinions as to why the moral circle has expanded to animals.
Let us agree that the moral circle has expanded.
And is expanding, and some call this, wait for it, wussification.
Remember when “boys will be boys” was a popular refrain, a tidy explanation for…
Well, the point above is true, and that we are psychological beings with psychology impacting, gender, then boys, won’t be boys?
Will we lose our binary coding? Male-Female?  Will cats and dogs live together? Mass hysteria?
Isn’t that the fallout in North Carolina, fear of the slippery slope?
Let us not forget that there was resistance to the expanding of the moral circle: the end of slavery didn’t come easy, women’s rights didn’t come easy, children’s right didn’t come easy, animal rights didn’t come easy, and civil rights didn’t come easy.
The mindset that fought those progressions, are fighting currently, fighting against the wussification, against the comfort that is binary biology, against psychology mucking things up, namely their mindset – their tradition(s), and ergo their successes because in their mindset, their successes can’t happen without their traditions (the traditions are necessary and sufficient conditions for success) and lastly, because they know what is right…and wrong. And they won’t go down, with you, as you sink into the moral nihilism that will result from subjectivism and relativism and…transgender restrooms.
So now I ask you to enter the time travel machine. Won’t you come back with us to the middle ages and enjoy a good ole cat burning? Ok, this is easy. You are abhorred by the idea and you don’t want to travel back in time to bear witness to our, your, violent past.
But ah, this time machine goes to the future too. Won’t you come with us to the near/distant future when transgender restrooms are the norm? Are you afraid of the slippery slope? What will become of us if we have transgender restrooms?
The horror.

1 comment:


    Perhaps "psychology" will play a role in this legal battle.


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