Thursday, March 28, 2019

Rough Week

Really rough.

Feeling very low and emotionally lethargic.

So these comments on my ENL 505 Autobiography Biography assignment were really needed:

Shannon, These two pieces validate the worth of the assignment. Both pushed hard at their limits, high and low, and both achieved a stunning originality. Further, there are numerous treats along the way: "the undeniable fact of the matter is that success for any brain, Shannon's or yours, must in part be determined by checking bank statements"; the concluding line of the biography; "cried like paint spilling over the side of the can"; "I fell. I'm falling. I will fall." 

Oh, I got paid to write a song. Sure it was off Craigslist and sure it wasn't for much and sure it isn't likely to win a Grammy or three but I can't help but wonder: what percentage of the population ever gets paid to write a song?

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