Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Make Me A Masshole!

I am now willing to have someone rewire my brain so that I don't care.

So that I don't give one iota when I see a mile of signs telling me that there is construction ahead and that I need to merge right.

Yep, go ahead doc, get in there and cross wires, have synapses sewn, dendrites deactivated, myelin mangled, neurons nuked, and axons axed...whatever you need to do so that I don't care.

I don't want to care when I see a sign lit up like an xmas tree begging me to merge right.

I want to be careless...

just like the rest of the massholes that just ignore the miles of orange signs and blinking arrows and just sit in that left lane until...

of course they cut someone off and make them jam on the bakes and the brakes behind them and behind them and SLOW everybody up at best and kill someone at the worst.

But I can't take it anymore.

Please doc, cut me open, carve me up, make me not give two shits.

I'm begging you doc, make me a masshole!

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