Monday, August 7, 2017

Busker Wants You To Appreciate Jazz and Rats on Your Run - This Is Your Nation's Capitol

Visited the nation's capitol this past week with the fam.

Good trip: the boys loved the zoo and the museums and the hotel pool.

I thought the National Gallery of Art was outstanding - on a par with Getty.

Two highlights (or lowlights depending upon your prerogative):

1. Upon leaving the National Museum of American History we strolled by a busker blowing his sax. My ears did not deceive me when I heard jazz. My eldest pokes his head out from the bottom tier of the stroller and says "You're doing great!"

Mom and I laugh and walk on but a couple of steps when I hear the busker say:

"Yeah I'm doing great. But none of you have the common sense to give me a dollar!"

He was truly upset but I rolled laughing. Johnny Jazz blowing diminished scales is irate because the tippers want to hear Brittney Spears and Mmm Bop.

2. Sunday morning at 5am I stroll out of the hotel for a run. It was still dark out as I ventured down 10th street for the National Mall when I quickly learned I would have to dodge fat, bulbous bottomed, greasy tailed rats on most of 10th -at least until E street.

On the plus side, my pace was a little faster than usual.

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