Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How Much Longer Till We All Retire?

I was being a lazy parent labor day and my son was watching a show on Netflix called Ask The StoryBots.
The premise for the show is a child asks a question like “how does a plane fly?” and the story bots do the research leg work to come up with an answer. Like the four forces of lift, drag, thrust and weight, all with musical and comedy interludes designed to delight your child and give you an opportunity to make dinner.
The show my child watched had the question “How does night happen?” Which, to make a long story short, leads us to the sun and the revolving/rotating earth for our answer.
Funny thing happened with the sun. 
1. He coughed up a solar flare. I don't care who you are, that is funny.
2. He said “only six billion years till I retire.”
So the sun, the source of everything we kooky humans need, the source for our entire solar system, will go out. Die.
Funnier thing, we humans don’t die.
Just seems so cheap to me sometimes. So very cheap to avoid the truth of death and finitude. Correction: cheapening. Denying death cheapens our lives. 

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