Friday, September 20, 2019


Had to put my cat down and it's fucking with me.

She was with me around 19 years.

I saw her eyes when I buried her.

19 years.

It's like some cosmological constant is gone.

She scratched at the door every morning.

She slept on me.

She knew I knew how to pet her.

She lived in Athens, Jamestown, West Warwick, East Greenwich.

She couldn't have been longer than 6 inches when she walked up onto my porch in Athens and said "Look, here is how it is. I'm going to be your cat. Point me to the food bowl."

19 years.

Friday, September 6, 2019

In With Rhetoric Out With Blog

Hola amigos, it's been a while since I wrapped at ya but you know, kids, the lawn, had a bee sitch, yadi yada.

Anywhoo, wanted to let you know that like, you know, Ima be taking this stupid college course. So dumb right? But Ima be taking it and like, it will take like, a LOT of time. Stupid amount of work and soooo dumb but you know, I don't think we will, stupid, see as much of each other.

Whatever. I know. So dumb. Rhetoric. Ha ha.

But lets like get together, in December. Cool coool coool.

It's a date. Sort of.


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In The Static

He had about 4 hours and 30 minutes. He, like Jack London, was going to use his time. What else did a man have…but time? Christians hav...