Monday, November 25, 2019

Stream of Disney Bar Consciousness

Hotel Bar

           at Disney


There is m-o-n-e-y, there are different languages and accents I hear. And yet, there are tattoos and people that have been at the bar for "far" too long - droopy eyed and slow to turn their heads.
And yet, the chandelier hanging from the ceiling is as big as a barn, and the bartenders have vests on and you'll find not a speck of dust, dirt, or grime.
Part of me wants to rail against Disney, to grab some goer and yell in his/her/cast member face: This is not normal!!...that spending soooooooooooooooo much money to get to a place to spend soooooooooo much money is, AGAIN, not normal.
And yet, my wife loves the place, and my kids, my privileged kids, love the rides and the character breakfasts and lunches, and they light up like a damn xmas tree even though it seems to me, like all of humanity inhabits Epcot and Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom, so much so that you can't go five feet without pausing to let someone move left or right or "excuse me," or "sorry."
Oh lunch for four? $160...pre tip. They got you by the balls.
You came here voluntarily.
You knew what it would cost. So, who is to say what normal is? Walter Disney? You?
Certainly not me.
Alas, it depends...on where you are, what you are, how you are, when you are, and most importantly,

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