Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Nice To Meat You

Is eating meat objectively wrong? To answer this we have to know what objectively means. Let’s start by pointing out that objective is understood as the opposite of subjective. Subjective basically means one person’s point of view.
So when we ask is it wrong to eat meat we can’t just go ask a dude or a gal because then our answer would only be subjective. Consider that said dude and gal may have different answers.
Things are getting tricky.
So how on earth can we know if something is objectively wrong or right if we can’t ask anybody? How can we know anything if we can’t ask anybody?
Don’t panic.
There are some, oh let us call them, for the moment, factoids that we consider to be true without asking anybody.
Like 2+2=4.
We don’t need Dude or Gal’s input here or anyone’s input. We don’t even need anyone to exist. If the dinosaurs hadn’t gone extinct and they’d opened up coffee shops and we kooky humans never existed, 2+2=4 would still be true. Right?
For now, yes.
But let us consider this “never existed” bit, because this is actually a good way to think about objectivity. Whenever asking if anything is objectively true or right or moral we can ask, even if people didn’t exist _____ .
Let’s try it:
Even if people didn’t exist, eating meat would be wrong.
So lions are morally in the wrong when they eat meat?
The Venus Flytrap?
Maybe we need to instead ask is it objectively wrong for people to eat meat.

People may or may not be the worst but some do eat wurst, so we do need to know whether or not it is objectively wrong for them to do so.

How can we get “people eating meat is wrong” to seem like 2+2=4?
All the while minding our even if humans didn’t exist rule, ok fine, guideline.
How can we talk about people eating meat while thinking about them not existing?
People are meat so we always, necessarily, have both at the same time. One can't be construed without the other.
This is getting weird.
It's getting meta...
wait for it...
OMG meta is an anagram of meat!
 Do you know what this means?!?!?

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