Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Bluest Eye

Behold this incredible passage in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye where Soaphead Church, a child molester living as a fortune teller, has written a letter to God after a little black girl came to him to request blue eyes:

...I, I have caused a miracle. I gave her the eyes. I gave her the blue, blue, two blue eyes. Cobalt blue. A streak of it right out of your own blue heaven. No one else will see her blue eyes. But she will. And she will live happily ever after. I, I have found it meet and right to do so.
Now you are jealous. You are jealous of me.
You see? I, too have created. Not aboriginally, like you, but creation is a heady wine, more for the taster than the brewer.

What would you say to god?

I think when you can write and think like this, the imagination to create like this, you'll say anything you want.

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