It’s time.
But I don’t want to.
Please, no.
Find the story that writes itself. Find the story where the
writer is merely the tuned channel. Find it. Be it. Stop seeking and you’ll
Something is changing but this shouldn’t be too surprising because
everything is changing…always, never not changing –but this never not changing
becomes the static from which we can move, think, be, exist, live, lie, love,
kill, watch tv, eat Cheetos…and (crying profusely) this isn’t just wordplay, it
matters! Only now you understand that consciousness is nothingness! Only now
you understand the time you’ve wasted! And yet the time still pours from the
hourglass, still slips away like the blood from your body, and the more you
realize the more valuable IT becomes. But it took so long to REALIZE, that you
end. You denied DENIED and denied in the face of the evidence in the face of
yourself in the face of the truth you knew you knew you knew. Are you tempted
to deny, again? Are you tempted to live and not brood? Brooding was never the
issue. Truth was the issue; the overriding issue. The heavy handed issue. The
issue you had to hold in thought to deny, the issue causing the dissonance. Reverberating
when little truths reflected the unmoved truth, larger truth, the truth of you
for you in you never not you no matter how much you…
the fixed point; the dead reckoning