He found seventeen thousand dollars in a bag. Large bills,
hundreds. He didn’t want to report it; he wanted the money. This was two thousand
more than he owed on his student loan. He knew he couldn’t tell his wife as she
would insist on reporting it lost. He decided he couldn’t tell anyone. He would
separate sums and hide the money. He knew he couldn’t use the money in a
regular way as one just can’t go and deposit seventeen thousand dollars into a
checking account, what with tax reporting and all. He would spend the money on
small things like dinners and hotel stays over a long period of time. This
meant he would have to carry cash. This meant he was vulnerable. In his usual
state of affairs, pulling multiple one hundred dollar bills from a wallet was
indeed unusual. What would his wife think when he had hundred dollar bills in
his wallet; she would ask.
The hardest part was
hiding the money. Obviously he would separate the money so that if a person
happened to find a stash, the loss would be mitigated. A thousand a piece made
sense to him as one stash could cover some fees for a good while without
notice. But this meant seventeen hiding places. (more money more problems).
Granted, ten, one hundred dollar bills isn’t that conspicuous but still, hiding
and remembering seventeen spots was a bit of a problem. Under the mattress
kinds of spots was out of the question as the wife cleaned thoroughly. A safe
deposit box was too Jason Bourne-ish. He thought of burying the money but then
he would have to bury it at night not to be seen and this became more
problematic than the original problem. A locker at a train station or bus
depot? Maybe he couldn’t separate the money, maybe he would have to just hide
the one lump sum and visit as necessary.