Thursday, September 15, 2016

Inanimate Objects

How does one dishonor an inanimate object? An object like a flag or a song?
I ask to know, to learn…because I would love to dishonor some stuff. Inanimate stuff.
How would I dishonor a teddy bear?
How would I dishonor a fork?
Could I use the fork to dishonor the teddy bear?

Alright, jokey jokes aside. What people are really upset about is not Colin Kaepernick “dishonoring” the flag or the anthem, people are offended by him not falling in line.
Isn’t that the case? Really? 
You, Colin Kaepernick, should honor the veterans that have fought in wars.
Oh, how, do you show this honoring?
By doing what we do?
Colin: “There’s no choice in the matter?”
They: “Nope, no choice. Stand during the anthem, salute the flag, and most importantly fellate Tom Brady at every opportunity.”
This mindset, is so tiringly offensive to me. Just so...blunted and...obedient to the point of blind/dangerous.
Why doesn’t what offends me matter? The way dishonoring inanimate objects matters to certain WEEI radio jocks.
That’s it this rant has done it! I have to dishonor an inanimate object.
Me: Taking requests.

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