For some reason I was thinking
about Leibnitz last night. My shining moment in grad school was during my
continental rationalism class. In this class students had to teach certain
sections and I got selected to teach Leibnitz’ concept of pre-established
harmony and how it relates to free will. The concept is beyond crazy but my
approach to teaching it was, as I said, my shining moment in grad school.
So for Leibnitz, god was perfect
and this perfection implies that god is not subject to time. If god were
subject to time he would be becoming – potential and not actual. This was
important for Leibnitz. God is perfect through and through and there is nothing
god has yet to become perfect at. God doesn’t need to practice to become better
at say, playing the piano.
Ok, so that is established.
Next, god, not being subject to
time, created the universe/multiverse/world and everything in it when god came
in to being. Everything, all at the same time.
Because god is perfect and not
subject to time.
Stay with me here.
A perfect being, god, cannot create
anything imperfect. God is not subject to time and neither are god’s creations
subject to time.
Stay with me.
So you think time is unfolding and
that there is a past of events already occurred and a future with events yet to
But nein mein freund.
You are not subject to time because
you my friend are the creation of a perfect being.
Fun huh.
So how does Leibnitz account for
this seeming unfolding of time? Like the time you went to first grade and when
you got your driver’s license, your first date with your future spouse, the bad
chili you ate from 99, and the future events like tripping and falling into a
fountain at the local mall?
The answer lies in the inspection
of another attribute of Leibnitz’ perfect god. God, for Leibnitz, cannot be
passive. Things cannot happen to god. Things can only happen from a perfect
Now you, as a created perfect being
are also not passive. Things only happen from you (sans existence).
So the time you met your first
grade teacher happened from you, not to you.
Here is where it gets kinky, the
same is true for your first grade teacher. You happened from her, you didn’t
happen to her.
Here is how Leibnitz reconciled
this kinkiness: Though the two of you never really met, because you would have
to be passive for that, god pre-established this meeting, at the moment of
creation, so that the unfolding of you meeting your teacher, which happens from
you, coincides with your teacher meeting you, which happens from her.
Man is this fun.
For those that like visuals, you
are a windowless being according to Leibnitz. Nothing comes in but ah, smart
guy Leibnitz said that you are a mirror – you reflect your world…and all the
events seemingly unfolding.
Don’t’ even think of mentioning
solipsism at this point.
Get to your supposed shining moment
there Leibinshitz.
So, how does this pre-established
harmony jibe with your sense of free will? You know, that crazy idea that you
are in charge of raising your arm and walking across the street and overpaying
for Springsteen tickets?
Good question when you think about
it. God established all events at the moment of creation but yet it isn’t determined
that you struck out in that little league game in 82 or did that keg stand in
95 or backed into that tree last year.
We could have a serious problem
here because if free will is out the window, then morality and ethics go with
it. Makes no sense to talk about “ought or ought not” when every event is
determined. And how would we spend our free time if we couldn’t judge people on
what they should and should not be doing? “Use yah blinker! Don’t taze me bro!”
You get the idea.
Consider an old style movie
projector running. The projector is showing a movie: The movie that is your
(HINT: remember god is not subject
to time)
So god watches the movie of your
life, the movie where you are indeed in charge of your decisions and choose
freely to do the things you do – like major in philosophy or choose teriyaki over
buffalo wings – and ultimately decides to implement you and your free choices movie/life
into the universe.
Just because god knows what you are
going to do doesn’t determine what you do.
God may have watched several
versions of your freely chosen life but only selected one for the actual
universe. Think of your life having various pilots prior to existence, but only
one made it to screen.
God can watch all of the pilots
because god isn’t subject to time.
Here is the kinkiest part of all, because
god is perfect and only perfect creations can happen from a perfect being, the
universe is perfect and you, yes you, and your life with all of those zany
decisions are also perfect and make up the best
of all possible worlds.
The best?
Yep. Best ever.
Even when I got drunk and threw up
in my shoes?
Best ever.
I just feel like in the best of all
possible worlds, the Browns would be better.
You are thinking of the least of
all possible worlds.