There is a volunteer at the local zoo who takes her Elephant
Bath Q&A just a little too seriously. Sure, we all appreciate the fun fact
now and again; who doesn’t want to know how much an elephant eats in a day? But
sometimes you just want to watch without being berated with pachyderm trivia; even
worse, when you see the bathing more than once, you are subject to all the same
banalities from Lucy the elephant lover all over again.
One can get past the pedantic details like “the elephant’s feces
can weigh up to” blah blah blah, or “the elephant uses its trunk to sexually
pleasure his/her mate” yadi yada, or “the trainers use the bath to bond with
the elephants in much the same way we humans might use African drum music to
bond”, and so on. One can get past this if one politely tunes her out with, with
gun range strength headphones.
This is not the worst part however; the worst part is her
voice and accent. It is a cross between Adam Sandler’s Toll Booth Willie and
Gilbert Godfried. Imagine trying to enjoy your zoo trip and the elephant bath
with fun facts coming from the Aflac Duck in Boston-ese! I wanted desperately to
enjoy the gig but I kept finding myself wanting to channel Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting and run up to her and
say “what winds yah watch!?”
Note to Zoo Management: audition your speakers. If she
sounds like a villainous cartoon character from Southie, you might want to put
her on shoveling elephant shit duty.