Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Mr. Jones And Me

People that get paid to talk into a microphone should be better.

Are we asking too much of people that get paid to talk into a microphone?

Look, I can't afford the Amazon Audible app and I can't get books on CD because my toddler shoved a nickel in the CD player and the dealer wants a gazillion dollars to take the whole stereo out, retreive the nickel, and put the whole stereo back in, so I am stuck listening to the radio for my two hour daily commute. Don't judge me.

Ergo, sports talk radio is a part of my commute.

As soon as I heard it I asked Siri to send me a text:

Bomani Jones said "...there's literally, not a soul on the planet who can guard him."

I rolled my eyes harder than they've ever been rolled and then said something to the effect of:

"Jesus fucking christ!" then immediately turned the station.

A fucking polka station would be better than this!

Literally? LITERALLY?!?!?   Literally? LITERALLY?!?!?

OK Mr. Literally, how the fuck would a soul (a non-extended, immaterial, thinking substance) guard an extended, material substance?

It's the classic problem of parallelism you fuck!

Why would a soul even contemplate guarding an NBA player at all, let alone in the goddamn playoffs!

A soul can't even foul, even if he/she/it/god/monad/angel wanted to!

Just stop saying literally. This word must be banned.

Censorship is a last resort but this is a safety issue.

My safety issue.

Because if I hear another goddamn person who gets paid to talk into a microphone misuse it I am going to drive off a fucking bridge.

Safety first.

Please, give the mic to someone that knows how to use it:

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