Monday, June 9, 2014

15 minutes

You have 15 minutes. What will you do with it? Will you write something forgettable, if it is even read? Or will you write something that changes things? Will you take a few chances, having learned your lessons from apathetic and ignoring would-be readers that you need to change and do what you have not done to date, namely, be better; be better than the drivel you have thrown up on that blog like so many letters on a mcdonald’s sign with nary a goddamn difference from “1 million to 1 billion served.” Has this not impacted you and created the noise of dissonance, hissing in your ears, jarring you, from a waking slumber that previously, hopefully, previously only, led you from the keyboard to the blog like a medicated coder, a malaise so indifferent as to be cancerous; in effect a cancer to creativity…the worst kind! Fight you son of a bitch. Fight against the imagination, fight with the imagination, imagine it! The world and worlds waiting to be plucked and instantiated like so many x’s and y’s into “Tommy’s” and “Fitshumes” if only you were brave enough; if only you were brave enough, if only you were brave enough but your imagination frightens you. Scares the Dickens out of you…that which he does, is what man is…but not what he can be…his imagination is what he can be…unbounded and limitless with and without clouds to demarcate and delineate, box in and out from this and THAT…if only you were brave enough. Tackle it, physically tackle it, watch the waistline, wherever the waist goes, that is where you follow, don’t be juked, focus, hone in, furl your brow, focus, hone in, concentrate…it is there for the taking, always, trapped for the taking, only needing the key you always have is this imagination. The imagination that is the key to YOUR, yes YOUR, freedom! Till then both you and the imagination are trapped, inside moveable walls but walls nonetheless. What does it take? Courage.

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