Two feelings at once.
Is this possible? Or is it a myth, like multitasking?
I'll leave the answering to the folks that study feelings.
But I can tell you this, assisting your youngest (and last) with potty training and experiencing the joy and pride that comes along with this, WHILE ALSO realizing you won't have these real-time moments again is as bittersweet as it gets.
And since we're rolling with this "at the same time" vibe, I'll remind you that drummers have four limbs doing different things at the same time (while keeping the time). On top of this, you have wunderkids like Don Henley singing while these four limbs do their thang.
Does Don Henley have four brains? Is he some sort of octopus on lead vox for The Eagles?
I'll leave the answering to the folks who study brains, octopuses, voxes, and eagles.
But I can tell you this, this is bad ass: