Monday, December 18, 2017

New Series - What Did You Have For Dinner?

Dearest readers, please meet my new series What Did You Have For Dinner?

It will go something like this:

A: What did you have for dinner last night?

E: Chinese Mustard.

A: Oh yeah, dipped some egg rolls did ya, maybe some of the ole crab from rangoon?

E: No, just the mustard.

A: You can't just eat Chinese mustard for dinner.

E: It's rich in vitamin C.

A: Maybe by eating 3 cups. How much did you eat?

E: Enough.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Thursday, December 7, 2017

There is no me in Ohio University but there is a you

Where I became a man, where I learned how to play music, where I started my career, where I bought my first working automobile,where I ran my first (and second) marathon, where I met my wife.

It's just a beautiful place:

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In The Static

He had about 4 hours and 30 minutes. He, like Jack London, was going to use his time. What else did a man have…but time? Christians hav...