Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Royal You

We asked, the Royal You answered

Jennifer Lawrence was named Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainer of the Year.

Who really deserved it?

Who does Katherine Heigl’s mom have to blow for her to win this award! -Ben Hillton, Glue Maker
Fox news. -Darren McFaddensnki, Crane Operator
Is Sylvester Stallone still alive? I rest my case. -Talia Momupsetta, Curd Weigher

The Royal You

We asked, the Royal You answered

Creed is the 7th movie in the Rocky series.

Will you see it?

I saw Police Academy: Mission to Moscow, so I guess I have to. -Miriam O'Bryen, Arms Dealer

Who doesn’t love a good workout montage? -Darby Milliner, JV Coach

No. Have training to do. -Ivan Drago, Roid Snob

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Royal You

We asked, the Royal You answered

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has already eclipsed $50 million in pre-sales.

Will you see it?

I was born in 1970 so I grew up with the originals and masturbated to Leah so, yeah, I will. -Ronnie Dior, Drum Stool

I’m more of a Star Trek guy. -Dave Dumbroswki, Ice Cream Taster

Too much cg for me. Michael Bay, Academy Award Joke

The Royal You

We asked, the Royal You answered

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump called for the creation of a national database to register all Muslims living in the U.S.

What do you think?

Sounds like a religious test to me and I got a D- in freshman Theology. -Kelsey Thibeault, Sorcerer

Well it’s pretty obvious that a database is the answer to all our problems. -Antonin Vernacular, Bulgar Endorser

You thought the line at the DMV was bad. -Archie Shad, Wax Removal Technician

Thursday, November 19, 2015

If Buddy Miles Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right.

One night while watching the Colbert Report with my wife I said that Colbert is a national treasure. And he is.
But I want to riff on something I uncovered during his interview with Bill Maher.
Now it was clearly in jest when Colbert intimated that Maher should come back to the Catholic church.

 “Come on back, Bill. The door is always open. Golden ticket right before you, all you have to do is humble yourself before the presence of the Lord, and admit there are things greater than you in the universe that you do not understand, and salvation awaits you,” Colbert said. “Take Pascal’s wager: If you’re wrong, you’re an idiot, but if I’m right, you’re going to hell.”

It is this, or rather these “greater than you” and “salvation” ideas that I want to flush out a little more. And put in reference to the recent Paris attacks. (Oh and you might check the blog for Pascal.)
Attaching oneself to something greater than you can have profound effects. Alcoholics and drug addicts can cite it as part of their recovery, people can find their calling, etc. 

But isn’t it obvious that there are two sides to that coin? Can’t the profound effects also be negative, as evidenced by terrorism in general and suicide bombings specifically?
Stop. This is not an indictment of Islam. This is skepticism of the idea that accepting something greater than you is always a good thing.
The directions from the voice of something greater than yourself can tell you to do good things like kick alcohol or drugs and support your children but it can also, as George Carlin once quipped, tell you to take a shit on the salad bar at Wendy’s, or as evidenced by 9/11 and Paris, murder people.


Salvation. How do we know which people are getting it wrong? How do we say that the message from one god is right and the other wrong?
Perhaps this is what Maher and Dennett and Dawkins and Harris (and Hitchens) are getting at; maybe we don’t (gasp) need something greater than ourselves to get by in the world? Maybe we might be a little nicer to our neighbors if we had no supposed moral authority to cite? Maybe we’d be nicer to each other if we recognized that, along with Nietzsche, we are “all too human?” Maybe if salvation was earth/time bound, we would appreciate our finiteness (finitude if you prefer) more and accept at the end of the day that we’ve got to live together.

If Buddy Miles is wrong, I don’t want to be right. 

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In The Static

He had about 4 hours and 30 minutes. He, like Jack London, was going to use his time. What else did a man have…but time? Christians hav...