Stumbled across this:
Then this:
Which led to this:
or this:
A little light stuff, a little substance. A little of this, a little of that. Don't over think it. I know you won't.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Open Doors Closed Doors
Did you smell it this past weekend? Were you up early
enough? If you woke early this past Saturday morning, in the northeast US
anyway, you probably had a certain aroma fill your olfaction caves. This smell
was mixed with a cooler than usual air. This smell reminds you of two things:
Fall and Football. Yes my friends, both are on their way.
They say early man had a far more sensitive smell than us
current homo sapiens. Tis still a powerful sense though isn’t it? How that
scent can transport me back to early Saturday mornings at Highland Field in my game
day uniform, teams all around: The Johnson Dragons in their yellow and gold, the
Decker Vikings in their purple and white, the Oakdale Red Raiders in Red, and
your hometown favorite Portage Bears in blue and white (with the only mesh
jerseys in the league I might add!). The concession stands are being set up,
warm ups commencing, parents pacing, butterflies fluttering not in the air but
in stomachs. So many boys and families learning life lessons all under the
guide of chasing an oblong ball covered in pigskin. You don’t have to be Archie
Bunker to say those were the days.
Those certainly were the days and this nostalgia hits me
every fall. Nostalgia is bittersweet for me because it co-occurs with guilt. Yes,
I feel guilty when I yearn for the past because I realize that in some way
shape or form I am not appreciating my present.
As a busy family man though, I don’t have too much time for
nostalgia…or guilt, there is too much to do, including the zoo on Sunday. But
this Sunday zoo trip we were mixing it up a little. We were meeting a family
with two kids ages 9 and 5. My oldest will be 3 in late November. Our two new
friends really took a liking to our toddler and had a ball showing him around.
I found myself enjoying the freedom of not constantly engaging him and adoring
watching him interacting with his new friends. But then it hit me, he is going
to have friends and they are going to
engage him, they are going to
entertain him, make him laugh, play kick the can with him, and play sports with
him (should he choose, including possibly Pee-Wee football). And in a flash,
the moment became bittersweet, kinda like nostalgia, because while new doors
are opening, as they must, some are closing behind us, as they must.
How good was my Pee Wee football team you ask?
Watson and Crick
I think it was back in junior high school circa early 1980's when I would come home everyday and head straight upstairs to my brother's room (actually a littler larger than a crawl space in the attic) and power up the sofa sized stereo and listen to Led Zeppelin II in it's entirety. While doing this I would just analyze the album cover inside and out, finding something new every day.
Flash forward to present day. I recently did the canvas art thing and made a few from pictures of heavy equipment for my son.
A picture is worth a thousand words and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I wonder if he'll like Zeppelin?
On the wall:
Flash forward to present day. I recently did the canvas art thing and made a few from pictures of heavy equipment for my son.
A picture is worth a thousand words and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I wonder if he'll like Zeppelin?
On the wall:
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Van Morrison
I had a Van Morrison fixation for quite a long time recently. Enough to name my last band Common One after his so-named album.
Here he is at his best. Few things are sublime: the word is overused. This is sublime.
Here he is at his best. Few things are sublime: the word is overused. This is sublime.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Let It Go
It Go
Wife of Psychic
Daugther of Psychic - Abby
Wife of Psychic
Daugther of Psychic - Abby
Customer enters psychic’s business and pays for a future telling session.
Customer: Hi, I’d like to have my
future told please.
Psychic: Velcome. Tank you for
comink. $45 please and I tell future. Cash only pleez.
[customer hands over $45]
Psychic: Let us embark to future
tellink room.
[psychic parts hanging bead curtain
and enters darker room with two chairs on opposite sides of a purply lit gazing
Psychic: Pleez seet. [points to
[customer sits, psychic sits in
opposing chair]
Psychic: Before vee get started
pleez to tell me vhy you vish to have fortune seen.
Customer: well I met a woman and I
want to see if she is the one.
Psychic: Ah, tank you. Let me look.
I Stare into dees. I vill see future. Future not clouded. Future clear. Clear
as bell. Comink, future comink clearer, I see…
Wife of psychic [blurting in from
another set of bead curtains]: Hey Larry did you pick up the dry cleaning!?
Psychic: Excuze pleez. Honey, I am
vit customer.
Wife of psychic: But did you pick
up the dry cleaning?
Psychic: Honey, vit customer,
running business here pleez.
Wife of psychic: It should have had
the red blouse in there. I want to wear it to book club tonight. We all read
The Notebook. Again but who cares. I think it is better than fifty shades –
Psychic: Honey, pleez. Fortune
tellink here. Me and dis man need privacy.
Wife of Psychic: Is it on the back
of the door.
Psychic: Yes.
Wife of psychic: Thanks, so you
have Abby tonight and you promised to watch Frozen
with her and then bake cupcakes and read Beauty
And The Beast. Don’t forget.
Psychic: Yes honey. Pleeze to leave
now. Thank you.
[customer shifts in chair and harrumphs]
Psychic: Apologies accept pleez.
Back to future. Let me stare again into ball, let me see…yes, yes…I am seeink a
voman, a voman of great beauty, she is in vedding dress, she is laughink, she
is dancink vit man but dees man’s back to me…
[customer, eyes agape, fidgets…]
[child peeks head out from behind
bead curtain]
Abby: Daddy, what kind of cupcakes
are we making tonight?
Psychic: Abby, vee have spoken
about daddy’s verk time. Pleez, dad verking now.
Abby: Can we make chocolate
cupcakes with sprinkles?
Psyhic: Abby, dad verking. Pleez,
later. [smiles at customer]
Abby: But I need to get things
ready. The movie starts at 8 which means we have to mix the cupcakes by seven because
they have to bake and then cool and then we have to do the icing and you
promised we would rehearse the songs before the movie. We are going to sing
during the movie right? You did learn the words right? Daddy?
[Pychic looks at customer]
Customer: Gonna Let It Go are ya?
Psychic: Abby, daddy has learned
verds to sonks but vee vill not sink unless you pleez leave.
Abby: But what kind of cupcakes?
You like chocolate right daddy? Do you want your favorite icing?
Psychic: Yes, cream cheeze frostink
pleez. I do love zee cream cheez frosting.
[customer rolls eyes]
Abbie [screaming]: Mommy, we’re
having the chocolate with cream cheese frosting and daddy said he learned the
[mom rushes in]
Wife of psychic [singing]: Don't
let them in, [daughter joins in singing] don't let them see, Be the good girl
you always have to be, Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they
know! Oh and can you do a load of towels tonight?
Psychic: Pleez! Verkink here! No
more interruptions!
[Abby and mother leave]
Psychic: Ok, let us get back to
future gazink…-
Customer: Never mind. No way in
hell I’m getting married!
[customer leaves humming Let It Go]
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Mustache of Light
Are things meant to be? Is there a
destiny that works regardless of the supposed free will that humans possess?
People act as if they have free
will when it suits them and wrack it up to destiny when it suits them.
Ahh humans, nothing if not inconsistent.
Well consider what you would think when
you are going about your business on a typical Monday night after a long day of
work, kids to bed, when the wife says from the top of the stairs, “there’s a
bat in our room.” Really? Really bat? I just wanted to do the dishes and go to bed
but you are going to hang there in the room where I, my wife, and our 4 month
old sleep. The damn dominoes that fell after this: prolonged strategy regarding
extermination/execution of bat, adrenaline fueled push broom wielding execution
of bat, call to pediatrician, call from department of health, storage of bat in
refrigerator next to poppy seed buns, 8:00am handover of bat to testing center,
call from department of health advising inconclusive rabies testing due to bat
brain (no pun intended) being too “smooshed”, vaccination planned, 3 hour stay
at hospital concluding with six shots for me, five for my wife, and two for our
four month old...with more shots to come next week.
Wasn’t this just meant to be? How can
the events roll out like this so perfectly/imperfectly without them being
planned from the beginning of time? Isn’t humanity’s supposed free will forever
on the sidelines waiting for a chance to get in the game and do something? The
events are out there doing their thing on the field and there isn’t a thing
your free will can do from the sidelines. Just sit and watch the game from the
bench and hope your ass doesn’t go numb.
I don’t know about the logic of
destiny but I do try to be consistent and if this imperfect bat and rabies
vaccine is destiny then so is my mustache of light. You see, driving home from
the hospital, six Despicable Me band aids
on left arm and both legs, baby asleep in the back, toddler quiet and tiring out,
I experienced a mustache of light. A car, at just the right distance behind me,
at just the right speed, with just the right angle and just the right power of
headlight, shining into my side rearview mirrors positioned in just the right
way, reflected the light to just the right position above my top lip…to make a mustache
of light. For a good 1 or 2 miles or so down the highway I possessed a perfect
Magnum PI era mustache of light, glowing, bulbous, stuck above my lip. All the
special effects in the world couldn’t have produced a better mustache of light.
So think what you will of destiny.
Just be consistent if you believe in it. You can’t have it both ways. If it’s
destiny, then it’s destiny all the way down, not a matter of degrees.
you are in the Emergency room, sometimes you have a mustache made of light.
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