When up went down I lost my ground
All the way down I threw up into a
When left went right I lost my
When right went left I was again
Of absolute, objective, dead
Be it large be it small, be it
short be it tall
Be it thin be it wide, alone or in
a pride
Be it vast be it dense, be it only
faintly sensed
I need it I need it I need just one
One unmovable point from which to
build my sun
My sun of morals my sun of laws
Go unheard, unfelt, unlived if we
hem and haw
Hesitate, vacillate, an infinity of
A perpetual DMV line of moral
All because we can’t decide on just
one spot to be
All of your subjectivity has landed
you here, are you satisfied?
Let’s agree on objectivity, even if
it’s just a little white lie