Friday, October 24, 2014

An Ole Spiritual

I periodically sing and play a little geetar at a church/open stage/bake sale kind of gig in Newport Rhode Island. On this particular night I played my version of Peter Mulvey’s version of Bob Dylan’s version of Mamma You’ve Been On My Mind. Now before I launched into it, I told the crowd (all 8 of them) not to worry, I won’t sound like Dylan, and did a little Bob Dylan impression.  Which isn’t Jimmy-Fallon-good but not all that bad if I do say so myself. The impression garnered a few chuckles. Now it is usually the same crowd and performers at this gig but tonight there was a gentleman I did not recognize that carried in a guitar. The Dylan song was my last and they introduced this guy to the “stage.” Well he, of course, not only begins with a Bob Dylan song but proceeds to sound exactly like Bob Dylan. Insert foot and impression directly into mouth, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I felt like a heel but there is some lemonade from these lemons my friends. He introduced the Dylan song as an “ole spiritual.” And is it ever beautiful. So simple and so powerful: 

By reference:

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